GraphQL Schema Data Sourcing
Dan Wetherald
The ability to globally supply a /graphql endpoint for the entire app could be the ultimate missing link here.
GraphQL Yoga (Apollo) is exposing a query named "IntrospectionQuery" this could be where you can receive the schema.
Once you have the Schema of the GraphQL server, all the different elements you add to your views would no longer be empty text fields and areas. There now would be a query / attribute selection available as the data source for each element.
This feature would not only allow developers to build out a full featured app in hours, but the everyday non-technical user could build an app for any service that supports GraphQL with a click of a button.
As a business, this could also be the answer to deploying apps straight from DraftBit. The ability to have real data wired up without ever pulling down the code with a single click deploy button would be extremely valuable.
There is also services that are already supporting GraphQL APIs for third party services (
Being able to support multiple APIs in a single app would be extremely valuable for aggregation and integration apps.
John Aitchison
Just swinging by to add my own vote. Hasura and Relay GraphQL has made building internal apps with Retool quite literally 10x faster than before. DraftBit could do the same for non-internal apps.
Vang Van Du
I fully support this. It is really necessary in the present time even though it has been raised since 2019. We are seeing the evolution of headless platforms.
Indigo Feather
This would be our top ask for Draftbit to consider adding. Specifically, supporting subscription based queries to the graphql endpoint.
I use hasura which supports both graphql and rest endpoints with hosted functions so anything crazy complex (like our inventory alerts or proprietary search algorithms) could live behind those queries where we use Draftbit get our value to the world!
Chris Kruger
Amazing product you have! Is this feature being worked on still (GraphQL) implementation?
Carl Lippert
Very much want this. All of our backend is graphql so basically a non starter till we can. Don't want to wrap with rest to work with new tool. We use hasura for Backend and hasura + draftbit could be a powerfull combo imo.
John Walsh
this would be really great to have
Brian Luerssen
Brian Luerssen: Update on this one?
Brian Luerssen
For those following this thread, we'd love your help:
- How do you prefer to authenticate your GraphQL endpoints? OAuth Token, Bearer, Secret Key?
Dylan Bruzenak
Brian Luerssen: bearer token
Dylan Bruzenak
Brian Luerssen: just make this easily overridable with custom code at the app entry point or after login. Another thing to consider: not all endpoints are behind the auth, and you may need to call some pre-auth.
Cedric van Putten
Brian Luerssen: bearer here too!
Gary Griffin
Brian Luerssen: Bearer
Dan Wetherald
Brian Luerssen: bearer token
Conroy Whitney
Brian Luerssen: Bearer
Brian Luerssen
in progress
We're working on this!
Brian Luerssen
under review
We're actively working on this. If you have more feedback or requirements, please post them!
Brian Luerssen: Having a solution like this, or any other way to access APIs in Draftbit, is the most important feature we need.
Gary Griffin
Brian Luerssen: easy integration with AWS Cognito and AppSync would be great. Ref:
Paul Ourada
Gary Griffin: I second this motion. :)
Gary Griffin
Paul Ourada: My latest project simply uses Firebase Auth and a NodeJS based GQL server running on AWS Lambda. I don't miss AppSync VTL templates! It'd be great if DraftBit allowed me to export an app that had state management, queries and mutations already wired up to an Apollo client. Then it would be easy to add Firebase auth code for sign-up/sign-in and obtaining JWTs.
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